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Witness In Courtroom
  • Vocational Evaluations
    A vocational evaluation is a process, which gathers vocational information about an individual to assists in determining vocational direction. The overall results are based on integrating physical capacities, medical, psychological, and vocational information that exist within an individual labor market.
  • Vocational Assessment
    Vocational assessments are a comprehensive evaluation of individuals transferable skills, qualifications, and occupation requirements. They highlight cognitive ability through an employment focused perspective and provide information to assess the labor market.
  • Earning Capacity Evaluations
    Earning capacity evaluations analyzes individuals’ ability to work and earn wages prior to and after the event that is the subject of litigation. Vocational experts utilize them to determine if an loss of earnings has occurred.
  • Expert Testimony
    Vocational experts educate jurors about the impact of injuries. They have experience and credentials to offer testimony about labor market conditions, specifics of range of occupations, and other vocational rehabilitation matters.
  • Worker Compensation Evaluations
    When a workers’ comp recipient reaches MMI, a doctor will provide a functional capacity opinion regarding the physical capabilities of an individual. Vocational experts use the functional capacity opinion to determine if work restrictions have permanent implications on an individual vocational capacity.

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